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??????????????? It needs not be defined afresh here the term ‘unemployment'. It is such an embarrassing state of a person which baffles him on all economic, social, mental, emotional and cultural fronts. In the presently prevailing period unemployment has become a challenge to Indian economy. All strategies and plans formulated to encounter the unemployment problem are not providing satisfactory outcomes whereby the desired level of unemployment mitigation is leading towards becoming a myth in India. The Indian economy, instead of succeeding to get the overall unemployment problem solved, appears rather to be swinging & dwindling between the rural and the urban unemployment. The well chosen, dexterously formulated and adroitly executed plans are not responding up to the mark and the state of affairs is becoming more depressive and distressing. It gives an impression that there is some mistake in formulating, choosing or executing the plans and strategies pertaining to economic development.
??????????????? To see if some error has really crept therein and, if so, how the error ???????????should be done away, we would better rethink retrospectively. The western countries, during their development journey crept, then walked and thereafter ran on the path of development. They finally achieved the present level of development after travelling for a long period of time along the whole locus with replicas de camisetas de futbol baratas several acrid and beatific experiences. After a considerable part of their development path was covered, the world political scenario took such a turn that it allowed and rather helped the exploited eastern countries come out of their harness and start development. The western countries, that time, were called developed economies and the eastern countries, just starting their economic development, were termed as under developed camiseta lazio or developing economies. India belonged to the latter group whereby we were (though still we are) a developing economy.
??????????????? After getting independence in 1947 India started its planned economic ????????development in 1951 having in hands the experience, a wide literature of well proved strategies and variegated plans pertaining to, used by and created or formulated by the well developed western economies, apart from the available natural resources. India was over enthusiastic and over ambitious on account of having the ready and well proved weapons sought from the western world for combating the problem of development. Therefore, instead of starting from the very beginning and covering the whole path it, being enticed and allured by the surprisingly fascinating fruits of industrialization, started efforts but having longed for being developed and grabbing fruits thereof in a haste. Thus India lost sequences in its development path. It ignored agriculture that was the spine of the economy. Thereby the agricultural development lagged far behind the level required for feeding India's camiseta liverpool fc industrialization up to the mark. Agriculture based small and cottage industries became shattered and the villages became ruined. This raised a huge bulk of unemployed people in the widely spread rural sector. The unemployed persons started migrating to the urban areas in search of job. The urban development and industrialization there had not sufficient level to absorb the whole migrating mass and to provide them proper urban life facilities. As a result thereof amushroom growth of slums came about fast which eventually turned into big slum spots in cities and towns within a no longer period of 20 or 25 years. This hampered urban growth and urban life. On the other hand, in rural areas there emerged acute shortage of energetic workforce, service centres, infrastructure, intellectuals etc. This hindered the rural development whereby agricultural development and rural life remained slang lower. That is why, even having travelled a long path of planned economic development, the state of affairs of rural India still remains almost the same as it was before planning. There is a big gulf between urban and rural people regarding wealth, wage, education and income. Moreover, the rural-urban migration, due to the pitiable state of affairs in rural areas, resulted to unchecked urban growth. Thus, instead of overall development, an unbalanced and unfair development of Indian economy became resulted therein. However, the Central Government tried to make the situation better by initiating the process of economic reforms in 1991. But, unfortunately, the formulation of this process was on almost the same footings as those of the Five Year Plans and, therefore, this also could not bring about the desired change. Consequently a wide spread general unemployment prevailed in both the rural and the urban areas (as per ECONOMIC APPRAISAL 2006-07, the estimated number of unemployed persons rose from 7.98 million in 1983 to 9.02 million in 1993-94, to 10.51 million in 1999-2000 and to 13.10 million in 2004-05. These figures make amply clear that the average increase per year in the number of unemployed persons is going higher and higher without revealing any effect even of the economic reforms initiated in 1991. The average increase per year in the number of unemployed persons was 1.04 lac persons during the ten years' period from 1983 to 1993-94. It became 2.48 lac during the next six years' period and rose to 5.18 lac during the five years' period from 1999-2000 to 2004-05.). In addition to this a considerable number of politically, socially and economically sound and effective elites emerged in cities and urban towns. These elites interfered in the formulation and execution of development plans, on one hand, and in the fixation of priorities, on the other. Thereby Indian development plans became urban oriented and concentrating on rich minority. Thus the poor majority and the rural economy became ignored. The unemployment situation in both the rural and the urban sectors became almost uncontrollable. The government has become politically weak. Therefore its priority has become to please the rich minority so that it may run. To mitigate resentment and dissatisfaction among the general mass it has to play pseudo role to remedy some times the rural and some times the urban mass alternating through various unsuccessful employment programmes and plans. The condition of the rural unemployment is more embarrassing than that of the urban unemployment since the rural unemployed people are subsisting in privation.
??????????????? Actually the root cause of this today's stinging situation lies in India's galloping along the development path instead of travelling along the true locus by creeping, walking and running as and when needed. Moreover the rapid population growth has added a lot to make the unemployment situation a mammoth. On account of extended medical facilities, uplift of living standard due to increased national income, control over epidemics, check on famines, alleviation of starvation, extension of maternity services etc. during the development process in the plan period, the death rate considerably went down (from 27.4 per thousand per year during 1941-50 to 7.6 per thousand per year in 2005) but the birth rate remained slang high (it was 39.9 per thousand per year during 1941-50 and came down only to 23.8 per thousand per year in 2005). Therefore population growth attained an increasingly high rate that was however tried unsuccessfully to be lowered through family planning programme. Therefore, whatever the number of employment-opportunities emerged on account of the development process, it was gulped by a rather high increase in population. Thus our mistake in the development process and the high rate of population growth are the two factors responsible for the rampant unemployment in Indian mass.
?????????? To solve this massive problem efforts should be made to rectify the mistake in the development move, on one hand, and to mitigate the high population growth, on the other. As far as the rectification of mistake in the development move is concerned, the time of making the mistake good by starting a fresh has gone far back. Therefore India should better take a drastic turn to re-fix its priorities, reformulate its strategies, reselect its programmes and reconstruct its plans so as to make the development move rural oriented, congenial to the micro-level needs of the people, akin to the overall development and compatible to the extenuation of economic disparities. This will bring about fast agricultural development, uplift of village life and revival of village industries, artisanship and handicraft to check the massive rural-urban migration. As regards to the check on high population growth the prevailing family planning programme has been proved insufficient and incomplete. To form a complete and effective family planning programme the policy makers should go in full details of why a child is born. The factors making a child take birth can be grouped under three heads (i) Biological Factor, (ii) Socio-cultural and Religious Factors and (iii) Economic Factors.?????????????????????????
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